usoro uso

Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and often referred to as the 'Giant of Africa', is a Federal Republic made up of 36 States. Akwa Ibom, located on the coastal southern part of the country in the 'South South' sits between Cross Rivers State and Rivers State. Created in 1987, from the former Cross…Read more usoro uso


A tongue in cheek look at DANGER! on nigeriastreets 😉

andy townend

I have still not quite become accustomed to the fact that the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge has switched from Wednesday to Friday.

I had become (more or less) settled into checking the site each Friday evening, and firing off a quick riposte to the challenge. Now it seems I’m always late to the party.

Oddly enough, this week, I did check the WordPress site this week at the appropriate time but have still managed to delay my response to this week’s challenge DANGER! until now.

In her challenge, Michelle spoke about ‘injecting this unexpected frisson of Danger! into an otherwise uneventful afternoon’.

Often, in Nigeria, it is not the unexpected frisson of danger, but merely the unexpected direction from which the expected danger might come that makes many a day anything but uneventful. That’s not to say that Nigeria is dangerous all the time, it isn’t, and I’ve made some…

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riding the rails

I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there ― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Imagine, if you will, London Heathrow, Washington, Paris CDG or Canberra airports announcing that they will close for six weeks. And imagine, further, that the alternative routes to your destination, the nation's capital, are notorious for…Read more riding the rails