seven weddings

Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls - Khalil Gibran Today, I attended seven weddings. Well, not intentionally. I was invited to…Read more seven weddings


A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving ― Lao Tzu I'm reading Susan Sontag's On Photography. This passage seemed apposite 'Whatever the claims for photography as a form of personal expression on a par with painting, it remains true that its originality is inextricably linked to the powers of…Read more traffic


I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow ― Sylvia Plath Earlier this week, my newest (and dearest) photographic friend (my Fujifilm X100T) and I were separated, irrevocably. Whether due to my being careless, and leaving it somewhere between the security check at reception and the hotel bar (unlikely), or being careless…Read more shadow

trace afrobeats show

Somewhere in all that travel advice, along with taking malarial pills (every single day) and not walking along unlit streets, lurks that bit about avoiding crowded areas. Only thing is, to really get to know a place, it's hard to follow all that advice, all of the time. So, last night after devouring spicy grilled…Read more trace afrobeats show