trace afrobeats show

Somewhere in all that travel advice, along with taking malarial pills (every single day) and not walking along unlit streets, lurks that bit about avoiding crowded areas. Only thing is, to really get to know a place, it's hard to follow all that advice, all of the time. So, last night after devouring spicy grilled…Read more trace afrobeats show


The streets of Abuja teem with these green and yellow three-wheeled Keke taxis. Away from the centre of the city, away from the Federal government buildings, and near the various markets that surround the city, swarms of Kekes hurtle along the streets, often crammed with people, paying little regard to the rules of the road.…Read more keke

new horizon

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore I took this chance shot whilst visiting the Dutse Alhaji market. The photo is my response to this week's WordPress weekly photo challenge, this week's theme New Horizon, challenged us to show something that we wanted…Read more new horizon